First let me clarify one thing.
Art time does not mean "craft time".
Crafts are fine, they have their place, they teach following direction very well. They also are fun to have specific things, for specific seasons etc...
But TRUE ART TIME should be unstructured, gentle but sparse guidance, and freedom to create with out right or wrong.
- 1.the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.
In order for this to happen in real life. I suggest an art area.
It does not need to be elaborate.
But, there are a few things to keep in mind.
How to set up an Art Area!
1)The Floor... stuff is going to get on it and... that's okay! In fact, just expect it and be happy your creative space is so creative. Your flooring needs to be play dough safe and water safe. Carpeting might not be your best friend here. Unless... (helpful hint here) you use an older or cheap rug. I'd suggest a something twice as big as your table area. Or put down a cheap clear shower curtain... and leave it there. The idea is to have this space available at all times. When ever the mood strikes it should be available with-out set up required!2) The Table... should be sized with the child's size in mind. Might I suggest you look at Craig's List, garage sales, or just the play ole' internet. Keep the age of your child in mind. An older child would do well at a dinning room size (we have an older dinning table in our art area in our basement and it works great). A smaller child should have a smaller area. Like a smaller plastic table.
3) Supplies.. Here is what you should have around.
- blank paper (no coloring books - just throw those horrid things away) a ream of copy paper is awesome!
- washable markers (yes even for little ones)
- crayons (if you must... but I have actually found these are the least preferred by all ages)
- glue sticks (yes... it will be OK)
- scissors (use your best judgement on these)
- pipe cleaners (sculptures will be made if items are available)
- stamps (the kind with ink :)
- crayola twist-able color pencils.. these things are awesome!
- jewels - things need bling.. it will be needed! - Google Eyes, feathers, etc.. fall into this catagory
- play dough - of course
- bubble wrap - some very cool things come from bubble wrap
- paint - again, I'd suggest washable
- decent paint brushes (the ones that come in your water colors are horrible, throw those away)
- chalk and if possible chalk board - or just use on colored papers
4) Presentation... some things will need to be in a drawer or tote, or Rubbermaid organization box of your choice. But, somethings need to be out at all times. And those items are
- paper - endless supply
- drawing implements (markers, twist able pencils etc..)
- clear surface to create on (don't let this spot get cluttered) - messy is OK.. cluttered is hard to work in.
Anybody can spend a lot of money on organization of art supplies.. but you don't have to. I've "pinned" several great - cheap ideas that work great. (just click the link below)
I continue to modify ours - are our supplies come and go and as our ages and interests change.
I continue to modify ours - are our supplies come and go and as our ages and interests change.
Vote Mommy For Queen PINTEREST Art Organization Ideas - Cheap!
Here is our progression of Art Area's in our 9 year history.
Our first attempt at an art area - yes that is an older piano bench - extra stuff was in the lift up part. |
We found a lego table that had a plastic top to it at a garage sale for cheap. This desk was great! |
As you can see it grew with us. Kaden did some of his best work at this table. |
Our upstairs office area for the kids :) that's clear contact paper on the wall - sticky side out.. she puts things up there that are very important to her. |
Supplies available to them. Trust me everything I told you to have - is in there... and more. I keep random things and they always use them. |
If you only take away 2 things from this entire post..
let those 2 things be....
- LET GO of your need to have everything be clean all the time - at least in one corner - use a closet where you can shut the door if you have too. Or an unfinished basement area that they can go to where they won't get in trouble and have 24 hour access to. If you find they never go there... it's because it's not in an accessible area. MOVE IT!
- LET THEM make with out an end expectation of what it is suppose to be, or look like. Let them make what they want to - truly be creative with things they can have fun with!
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