Friday, September 11, 2015

Not a "new mom" any more... now what "middle mom"?

Well.. it has finally happened.  I am purging sippy cups, baby toys and tiny silverware.  

I no longer plan my days around nap times, pack a diaper bag, or buy pull-ups.

I'm not a "new" mom anymore.  

I'm in the "middle" stage.  
It's a weird sensation, a new one at the the very least and I find myself thinking...

"Did I really make it thru the baby stage of motherhood and lived to tell the tale"?

I did... I finally did it.  And I'm not quite sure how I'm suppose to feel about it.

If you just starting out in this journey called motherhood or maybe you haven't quite gotten there yet, let me tell you how the "new" mom life compares to the "middle" mom life.

Your "people" shop for groceries mid-day before or after nap time and before the "work" people get there.  This is good to know because there is something in the fellowship of  yoga pants wearing, barely got enough sleep, where is the caffeine "new mom" group.  These people are your "people" they will not judge you when your baby is hungry and you just feed them in aisle 7 because well... what else are you going to do about a hungry screaming baby.

Now, I grocery shop mid-day because it's habit and because I can do it with out being bombarded for another shop-kins thing, or a minecraft themed yo-yo in the dollar section.  

A new mom might see me and think - wow.... she can shop by herself isn't that nice. 
 The truth is... it's really, really nice and I kinda love it.  

However, I see you too "new mom" 
and I remember the those days like they were yesterday.  I had one baby in front carrier holding in a pacifier with one hand while pushing a cart with two boys, one on each side so they don't "touch each other" and so I don't run over them with my one handed cart driving.  I was bouncing and singing while explaining why we don't eat cheese puffs for breakfast to the 3 year old while scanning for a bathroom because a 4 year old is almost in tears, he has to go right now! 

I've been there, I have soooooo paid my dues and I lived.  I totally made it thru!  And you will too!
My kids are still alive and hopefully not in need of therapy.  I still love them, they still love me and all my hair is still rooted in my head and not pulled about in patches.  I honestly never really thought this day would come.

Now I wonder did I leave something in the car?  Do I have my purse?  Why do I feel so... solitary?  Oh, it's because I don't have babies or toddlers any more right at my side.  They are safely in school and at pick up time a whole different life starts.

My days are now planned around drop off / and pick up times, homework, spellings words, gymnastics, basketball, lunch making and dinner time chats .

One thing has not changed, tucking in my sweet off spring.  This I still hold on to.  This hopefully will not change - well at least not until junior high :).  
Then we will chat again about that stage of motherhood and the changes that age brings.

Here are my "experienced" words of wisdom 

to those "new" moms.

1) If an older mom hands out a piece of advise it's not because we don't think you aren't doing great, or that we know better.... it's because we have been there and we recognize sigh you just released out of exhaustion.  It's meant as encouragement, that there is still rope left to grasp on to, and you can climb that rope and do it.  Chances are we "know that advise" because we were so very bad at the subject ourselves and did massive mom sized research on it.
- Still feel free to ignore it and trust your mom heart, it's your best resource!

2) We still love to hold babies.  If you need help... just ask.  We will hold your baby for you while at the park if you need to fix a boo-boo on your toddler.  I know we might be a stranger but since we are out of that stage, we will happily give them back I promise.  But, we understand the need for an extra set of hands every once in a while.  Use our experienced hands to your benefit!

3) We are great sources of hand-me downs and still great toys.  Just say'n - we love to get it out of the house and your kids could use some new distractions that are cheap or free right!

4) Most of all... we are living proof.  
Living breathing proof that you can make it through to the other side.  
  • You will get your sleep back.
  • You will be able to walk around with out expending your perimeter of safety to a 4 ft bubble.
  • You will not have to fear the silence of a toddler.
  • Or the enviable poop explosion in public (from the baby).

You too will live to tell the tale  and join the common core math, play ground antics, spelling words, and music recitals group of the "middle mom".  Now, doesn't that sound like fun!

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