Thursday, September 25, 2014

It's Laundry Day and I have on Super Hero Underwear! Ka-pow!

As I scroll thru my e-mails this morning sorting out the spam from the really important stuff.. like Crazy 8 is having a sale on their super hero t-shirts (yes that is an important e-mail - I flagged it urgent) I asked myself a question.  No, the question was not do we really need more super hero shirts?  Because its obvious that one can never have too many, especially at the rate children grow.  But, why do we love super hero's so much?

I flashed back to the days of my two boys (around the ages of 2 and 3 and even to 4) and their endless costumes of super hero's and how they wore those things everywhere.  Literally everywhere, and I let them... well I said no to church.. but every other place I was totally cool with it.  My oldest son even wore it to his first little "baseball" camp at age 4. 

My middle child.... the 2nd boy... wore Batman for 2 Halloween's in a row and still love to dress up and he is 7 1/2 (don't tell his school friends I told on him... he would be so embarrassed).
But... it's not only a kid thing.  I love super hero shirts.. especially ones that say Wonder MOM!!!!!! My husband wears his Super Man shirt at least once a week... and I Just ordered some more for all of us!

Super Hero's make us feel like we can do anything.  Kaden was such a introverted child as a toddler.... he did not want people to even look at him at a store.  He wore that Spiderman costume to target, and would "spider walk" thru aisles... he had on his mask and he had confidence to be in public and have fun.  He still wouldn't talk to anybody, even if they ask him how he spun webs, but at least he didn't just run away and for him at that time, was brave as all get out!

So... if you are feeling like maybe you aren't being "all you can be", and you can't run away and join the military because they don't allow co-sleeping with a toddler.. just throw on a super her shirt and at least pretend you have your stuff in order.  And by the end of the day you might just surprise yourself on how well you managed to pull off a successful day.  If you have a job where you can't sport a Wonder Woman shirt... then I highly suggest investing in some super hero panties... cause putting on our big girl panties and getting the day done is what being a Super MOM is all about. 

I suggesting these :)  Batgirl Panties

So.... It's laundry day and I put on my super hero panties.. and I plan on kick'n some Mommy To Do List Hinny-Hoo (that's our way of saying Butt).  Join me.. they made a whole day about super hero let's do it!  BE SUPER TODAY!  YOU CAN DO IT!

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