Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Oh, the struggle to keep the Holiday's humble!

Yep.. it's going on all over the place, seasonal retail Christmas overload!

I'm not going to be a grouch about the early decorating, I love it!  I figure if you are going to go through all that work to make things look festive you should enjoy the effort you put into it for more than 3 weeks!  However, I have a list of things I keep to a minimum and a list of things I go all out for.  I do this for balance, and sanity, and to keep it humble.

Things we don't limit... not one bit!

1) Charity, selflessness, opportunity to bless others!  Now, this I agree should be our thought process all year long but we seem to have more opportunities (organized ones at least) to help during the holidays.  That doesn't mean I say YES to everything, I would loose what little sanity I had left.  

  • We do pick our favorites and do it right!  Do it with thought, prayer, intent, and compassion!  Follow thru, and and don't skip corners.  If it's worth doing in the first place then it's worth doing will all your heart!
  • Never close down an opportunity because you already did something else.  There is no limit to things that can bless - especially if you are able.  Who say's you can't do more than 1 or 2?

2) Creativity! Make things, write things, video things, make up songs!  Cook things!  Do what you do best and some how use it to make this time better, for as many people as you can!

  • Decorate a card, ornament, paper chain for somebody around you, for everybody around you.
  • Make a little extra (cookies, brownies, what ever) and share it with co-workers, friends, neighbors, needy, seniors, children, teachers, church people, secretaries, mail carriers, etc.  Heck if you don't cook, share a pack of gum, or jelly beans, or a package of Mega Stuffed Oreo's!

3) Decorations!  Now... I don't switch out our dinner plates or anything, and I only light up the areas on the exterior of our house that I can reach with out a large ladder (because that is not our talent)!  I do what I can, with what I have, and each year I try to add a touch more more, and I encourage my kids to help me out!  

  • They have a tree that is totally up to them!  It get's rearranged a lot, decorated with the craziest stuff, and it doesn't have to look perfect!  What ever they can dream up, I let them do!  Let the little hands get involved!

That being said, 

I learned to not have glass ornaments around a long time ago!

  • I have a stairway garland that is dedicated to all the hand made ornaments that my Nana Ward has made her grandchildren over the span of 30+ years.  They are by far the most precious and meaningful decoration we have.  Each was made with care and each is displayed with care.  I tell my kids about my family, about our traditions and how they have shaped me into the person they see today.  Which ties into my next point...

4) Stories!  Share about why Christmas if important.  You can never tell too many stories about Baby Jesus! 

  • Tell stories from the Bible.
  • Tell stores about growing up and things Christmas means to you.
  • Pass along traditions in a verbal linage!  That's how the Bible was originally shared, and how people have passed down history since the dawn of language.  Share that with your kids.

Things we keep on the humble side of life!

1) Events and Travel! If you have family out of town, I know it can be really hard to limit where you spend your precious time.  You have to balance sides of the family so nobody thinks you like one side better than the other.  I'm not saying don't travel, I'm not even saying take turns each year.  I'm saying truly analyze how many Christmas's you are attending, and ask yourself, is it getting over done?  Buy the time you get to Christmas morning has your kids already been to 3 different grandparents, or aunts or uncles each wanting their time to celebrate?  Is that desensitizing your children or yourself to the magic of this memorable family time?  

  • Balance -we spend Thanksgiving with one side and Christmas with the other, we have some sides we don't get to see at all and that is very hard but with a growing family of 3+ generations it's just how things go.  So we make the most of the time we do see those family members even if it's not at Christmas, - AND THAT IS OK!!!!!
  • Open invitation - one of the limits we have set as far as travel etc, is we are always home on Christmas Eve - in our own home.  However... we have an open invitation to whom ever wants to join us is welcome.  When we purchased our home we kept this lifestyle choice in mind, we have a home that has a guest room and thankfully that room gets used a lot!  Wouldn't have it any other way!
  • Safety- Let's face it, it can be dangerous to travel a bunch in snow, bitter cold, and early darkness (deer)! So keep that in mind when planning travel routes, don't stress yourself over late night travel.  People will understand that kids don't sleep well in new places.  It's hard to handle over tired children and it can make over stimulating events like family gatherings difficult.  If your holiday's end with tears, over tired children, stressed out parents, remember - that's not the best recipe for an enjoyable or safe road trip!

2) Presents! There are so many different ways to manage the over saturation of gifts.  Don't feel pressured to do one thing or another.  Just because something works for somebody else doesn't mean it's great for you.  And as your children grow, your budget varies and years go by it's okay to roll with the punches.  Just keep a few things in mind.

  • Limit the number!  I've heard of 3 gifts in categories ( a gift for a need, one for a want, one for a surprise).  Or each kid get's 5 presents.  Or one main present and a filled stocking.  Budget tactic!  This helps keep things manageable for the gift giver and fair for more than one child. 
  • Share a list!  Let's face it is fun to buy for others when you can, but it's even better when you know what you are getting a person is something they want.  So, don't be afraid to ask for a list, and it's helpful to have one that minimizes duplicates.  We use          www.My  and keep it updated through the year for Birthday's and Holiday's.  Make sure not to over load it, but balance it with options and vary the price ranges.

3) The "I want this and I want that" Syndrome!  I just flat out don't enjoy this part of commercialized holidays.  My answer to this is usually "put it on your list", and teaching the concept of excess!  

  • Prioritize!  Teach your child to do just that.  
  • Set expectations! Explain what ever system you have in place and  how it works.
  • Purge! Set some time to clear out things they no loner play with etc, before they get more. Take this opportunity to bless others and donate.
  • Teach Thankfulness!  Yes, this is a teaching moment in life.  Talk about how to respond to a "lame gift" with a nice word and hug.  Teach them to be a good gift receiver!  It's okay to "practice" this, it's a skill that will be helpful through their life.

4) Traditions!  I know that seems odd to limit something we cherish so much.  But, I think this can get "overdone".  Does your holiday HAVE TO HAVE a tree farm trip, a hot coco day, a cook decorating event, THAT ANNOYING ELF ON THE SHELF, matching p.j.'s, Christmas story reading, Christmas light tours, parties and more parties, secret Santa's, trip to Santa's lap, ugly sweater contest, family photo's, Christmas letters that recap the entire year, hanging lights, 5 different themed trees all over the house?  No, that is not what Christmas is all about.  It's okay to do some things some years, others another. Prioritize! And remember to sleep, inhale and exhale slowly and realize that your family is going to love what ever you all choose to do, just do it with Christ in your heart!

Have a great Chritmas! 

May the birth of Jesus, 

light up your world daily!

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